The Truth About Buying SoundCloud Plays: Myths and Realities

The Truth About Buying SoundCloud Plays: Myths and Realities

Jun 04, 2024

Who Else Would Buy Plays for SoundCloud?

buy plays for soundcloud

Ever uploaded a track to SoundCloud and anxiously waited for the plays to roll in, only to be met with... crickets? 🦗 Yep, we've all been there. The silence can be disheartening, and you might consider buying plays for your new tracks.

Let's unpack the myths and discover what happens when you buy plays for your tracks...

First off, many people think that buying plays is a surefire way to instant fame. But, as with anything in life, it’s not that simple. You might have heard that only big record labels can make or break a music career. That's a myth! Thanks to platforms like SoundCloud, Spotify, and YouTube, independent artists can climb the ranks without needing to sign their lives away to a major label.

Buying plays can give you a boost, but it's not a magic wand.

Sure, seeing those numbers go up can give you a morale boost and might even get you noticed by potential fans and industry professionals. But here's the thing—numbers alone won’t build a lasting career. You need to work around the myth that big numbers equal big success.

So, why would you consider buying SoundCloud plays in the first place? Well, it's about gaining initial visibility. When people see higher play counts, they're more likely to give your music a chance. It’s psychological—it’s like seeing a packed crowd in one restaurant and an empty restaurant on the other side of the road. Which one would you choose? Most people would choose the crowded one. Because all those people must know something that I don't know. It's called social proof.

But remember, those numbers need to be backed up with quality content. Your tracks must resonate with listeners; otherwise, they’ll click away faster than they came.

Let's address another big myth: bought plays will automatically lead to real fans and engagements. This isn’t true. While high play counts might attract attention initially, they don’t guarantee genuine engagement unless your music connects with people.

Think of it this way: You could read all the books about marketing and visibility, like "The One Thing" or "The Automatic Customer," but it won't make much difference if you don’t consistently apply what you’ve learned. Like buying plays—you still need to engage with your audience and build genuine connections.

What should you do after buying those plays?

Engage! Respond to comments, share behind-the-scenes looks at your creative process, and show appreciation for every listener who takes the time to engage with your music.

And hey, don’t underestimate the power of networking, either. Connect with other artists, collaborate on tracks, and share each other’s work. It’s all about creating a community around your music.

So next time you consider buying those plays, remember—it’s just one piece of the puzzle in building a successful music career. Because there's more to it...

7 Steps to Boost Your SoundCloud: How to Skyrocket Your Plays and Become a Savvy Star

Imagine you’re on stage, guitar in hand, ready to rock the crowd. But instead of a packed house, you're staring at an empty room. Sounds rough, right? That’s what it's like when your music sits idle on SoundCloud. But what if I told you there's a way to fill that room with eager listeners?

The secret sauce isn't just about making great music (although that's crucial). It's about getting your music in front of the right people who will vibe with your sound and become your biggest fans. Here’s how you can transform your SoundCloud journey from ghost town to buzzing metropolis...

Step 1: Understand Your Audience

First off, know your tribe. Who are the people who would dig your music? Are they into indie rock, chill beats, or heavy metal? You can tailor your promotions to catch their attention by understanding their tastes. Picture this: I once worked with an aspiring artist who thought his tracks would appeal to everyone. Spoiler alert—they didn't. We narrowed down his audience, and suddenly, his play count skyrocketed.

Step 2: Optimize Your Profile

Your SoundCloud profile is your digital stage. Make sure it shines! Use a killer profile picture and write a bio that speaks directly to your audience's heart. If you love crafting stories through your lyrics, say that. If you're all about making dance beats for late-night parties, shout it out.

For instance, another artist I helped rebranded her profile to focus on storytelling through folk music. Within weeks, she noticed more engagement just because people connected with her story.

Step 3: Use Keywords Wisely

Keywords aren’t just for blogs—they work wonders on SoundCloud too! Think about what phrases people might use to find music like yours. Is it "chill lo-fi beats" or "upbeat indie rock"? Sprinkle these keywords in your track titles and descriptions. It’s like setting up musical signposts that lead listeners straight to your tunes.

Step 4: Promote Smartly

Now comes the fun part—getting the word out! Share your tracks on social media where your audience hangs out. Are they scrolling through Instagram? Make some eye-catching posts there. Do they love watching YouTube? Create some engaging video content.

Remember that catchy lead magnet we talked about? Offer something valuable in exchange for an email address—like my guide, "Turn Your Tunes into Cash." This helps build a list of true fans who want more of what you create.

Step 5: Engage With Your Fans

Don’t just post and ghost. When someone comments on your track or sends you a message, reply! Show them that you appreciate their support. It’s like having a conversation after a live show—people remember how you made them feel.

Once, I watched a musician friend reply personally to every comment he received on his new track. The result? Those fans became his promoters, sharing his music far and wide.

Step 6: Collaborate and Cross-Promote

Ever heard of the phrase "strength in numbers"? Collaborate with other musicians who share your vibe. When you release a collab track, both of your fanbases get exposed to new music they might love. Plus, it’s fun and can spark new creative ideas!

Think of it like this: I teamed up with another marketer once to run a joint campaign. The crossover in audiences led to double the engagement for both of us.

Step 7: Stay Consistent

Consistency is key in building any following. Keep releasing new tracks regularly so that people know when to expect fresh content from you. It keeps your name popping up in their feed, reminding them why they started listening in the first place.

I once met an artist who released a new song every month without fail. His followers loved the regular updates and always had something new to look forward to.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it—seven actionable steps to help you boost your SoundCloud plays and build a loyal fanbase. Remember, it's all about understanding your audience and making meaningful connections with them.

Ready to take action? Grab my free guide, "The 3 Secrets To Attract 1007+ Real Fans, Without a Record Deal," and dive into some serious fan-building strategies today! Just enter your email address, and you'll get instant access.

And hey, I’d love to hear about your journey. Share your stories and feedback in the comments below or connect with me on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. Let's build this community together! 🎸✨

Keep rocking,