The Artist’s Checklist: Essential Steps to Release Your Song

The Artist’s Checklist: Essential Steps to Release Your Song

Apr 17, 2024

Steps to Release a Song: The Ultimate Single Release Checklist for Musicians

Releasing a song is more than just uploading it online. It’s about making a big splash. Follow this easy guide to make sure your music reaches and connects with people everywhere.

1. Finalize Your Track

First things first, make your song perfect. Every note, beat, and word should be just right. Think of it like building a house—you need a strong base. Your song is your base.

2. Design Cool Artwork and Promo Stuff

Even though your song is for the ears, eyes matter too. Design awesome artwork for your song. This is the first thing people see. Also, get ready with press releases, social media posts, and teaser videos. Make people excited about your new song!

You can use AI tools to create cool artwork easily, or you can hire a pro designer on websites like Fiverr or 99designs. They can help you make something unique and eye-catching that stands out.

3. Choose the Right Distribution Platform

DistroKid is great for unlimited uploads at a flat yearly rate. CD Baby is perfect if you prefer paying per release with extra services like CD distribution. TuneCore offers detailed sales reports and sync licensing opportunities.

For a deeper dive into each of these platforms, check out our DistroKid, CD Baby, or Tunecore post and the guide about choosing the best music distribution platform. These services act as a link between your music and streaming services, helping your work reach a global audience and allowing you to control your releases and royalties. Pick the platform that suits your release goals and budget.

4. Strategize Your Release Date

Timing is super important. Think about when your fans are most active. Maybe during summer, holidays, or big events? Also, think about important dates. Release a love song on Valentine’s Day or a party song on New Year’s Eve.

Don’t forget to give yourself time for promotion. Build excitement with teasers and behind-the-scenes content. Most importantly, plan to release on a Friday. That’s when people are most likely to listen to new music.

5. Launch Pre-Save and Pre-Order Campaigns

Get people excited before your song even comes out by setting up pre-save and pre-order campaigns. These campaigns let fans show their support early and create a buzz before your song is officially released.

Pre-saves are for streaming platforms like Spotify. They let fans save your song to their library before it’s available, so it shows up in their playlist the moment it drops. Pre-orders are for buying your song or album on platforms like iTunes or Amazon. Fans can buy the song early, ensuring they get it as soon as it’s released.

To make these campaigns irresistible, offer exclusive content. Here are some ideas:

  • Behind-the-scenes videos: Show the making of your song.
  • Early access to new merchandise: Give fans the first chance to buy your new merch.
  • Personal shout-outs: Send personalized messages or videos to fans who pre-save or pre-order.
  • Exclusive downloads: Offer bonus tracks or remixes that only pre-save or pre-order supporters can get.

Think of these perks as special gifts for your biggest fans. They help build excitement and give fans a reason to act now rather than later.
Promote your pre-save and pre-order campaigns on all your platforms. Use Instagram stories, TikTok snippets, Twitter announcements, and your email newsletter. Anywhere you can reach your fans, let them know about these early access options.

Getting high-profile endorsements can also supercharge your campaign. If you have connections with popular influencers or bloggers in your niche, reach out to them ahead of time. A mention from someone influential can amplify your reach exponentially.

But what if you’re feeling overwhelmed by all these marketing tasks? Don’t fret; focus on quality over quantity. Choose one or two platforms that resonate most with your audience and pour your efforts into mastering those.

Also keep in mind that marketing isn’t just about advertising; it’s about amplifying your message so more people who would love your music can find it. Think of it as casting a wider net to catch more fish in an ocean teeming with potential fans.
Once you’ve launched your pre-save and pre-order campaigns, monitor their performance closely. Use this data to fine-tune future releases—what worked? What didn’t? This isn’t just guesswork; it's strategic planning based on real insights.

6. Submit Your Music Correctly

Submitting your music correctly is crucial for a smooth release. Here’s how to make sure everything is in place:

Check Your Metadata: Metadata includes all the information about your song—title, artist name, album name, release date, genre, and more. Double-check that all these details are accurate. Incorrect metadata can lead to your song being misplaced or not found easily.

High-Quality Artwork: Ensure your artwork meets the platform's specifications. Typically, this means a high-resolution image (usually 3000x3000 pixels) that looks great on any device. Make sure it represents your music well and catches the eye.

Correct File Format: Most platforms require specific file formats, like WAV or MP3. Make sure your song is in the correct format with the proper bit rate. For example, a 320 kbps MP3 or a 16-bit/44.1 kHz WAV file is often required.

Lyrics and Credits: If your song has lyrics, include them. Also, credit all contributors properly—songwriters, producers, and any featured artists. This ensures everyone gets the recognition they deserve.

Release Date Confirmation: Double-check that the release date is set correctly. You don’t want any surprises with your song going live too early or too late.

Distribution Settings: Choose the platforms where you want your song to be available. Most distribution services let you select from a wide range of streaming services and online stores. Make sure to cover all the major ones like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and YouTube.

Pre-Save and Pre-Order Links: If you’ve set up pre-save or pre-order campaigns, make sure these links are included and working properly.

By paying attention to these details, you can avoid any hiccups and ensure your song goes live smoothly, reaching your audience without any issues.

7. Promote Your Song Big Time

Promoting your song is key to getting it heard by as many people as possible. Here’s how to make your promotion efforts count:

Use Social Media: Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook are great for reaching your audience. Post regularly about your upcoming release. Share snippets of your song, behind-the-scenes content, and countdowns to the release day. Use hashtags related to your genre and music to reach a wider audience.

Email Newsletters: If you have a mailing list, and you should have one, use it! Send out newsletters with updates about your song, exclusive content, and links to pre-save or pre-order. This keeps your most dedicated fans in the loop and excited for your release.

Influencer Collaborations: Partner with influencers and bloggers in your niche. They can help spread the word about your song to their followers. Influencer endorsements can significantly boost your reach, whether it’s a shout-out in a YouTube video, a feature in a blog post, or a mention in an Instagram story.

Press Releases: Send out press releases to music blogs, magazines, and online publications. Getting featured in a well-known publication can increase your song’s visibility and credibility.

Live Sessions and Performances: Host live sessions on social media platforms. Play your new song, share stories behind the music, and interact with your fans in real-time. Live sessions create a personal connection and get your audience even more excited about your release.

Paid Advertising: Consider investing in paid ads on social media platforms. Target your ads to reach people who like music similar to yours. This can help you reach a new audience who might not have discovered your music otherwise.

8. Engage with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is just as important as promoting your song. Here’s how to build a strong connection with your fans:

Talk to Your Fans: Respond to comments on your social media posts and videos. Answer questions and show appreciation for their support. This makes your fans feel valued and connected to you.

Host Live Sessions: Regularly host live sessions on platforms like Instagram Live, Facebook Live, or YouTube Live. Play your music, share stories, and chat with your fans. Live sessions are a great way to interact directly with your audience.

Reply to Messages: Take the time to reply to direct messages and emails from your fans. Whether it’s a quick thank you or a longer conversation, personal interactions go a long way toward building loyalty.

Create a Community: Start a fan club or a private group on platforms like Facebook or Discord. Ask your friend or your most loyal fan to be an admin if that feels too cheesy. This gives your fans a place to connect with each other and with you. Share exclusive content, host Q&A sessions, and make your fans feel like they’re part of something special. "Wanna be part of something, gotta be part of something"...MJ.

Run Contests and Giveaways: Host contests and giveaways to keep your fans engaged. Offer prizes like signed merchandise, free concert tickets, or exclusive content. Contests create excitement and give your fans a reason to stay active and involved.

Share Fan Content: Repost fan-created content like covers of your songs, fan art, or messages of support. Showcasing your fans’ creativity and enthusiasm makes them feel appreciated and encourages others to engage with your music.

By actively engaging with your audience, you build a loyal fan base that will support you throughout your music career.

9. Monitor and Adapt Based on Performance

Keep a close eye on your song’s performance through streaming data and audience feedback. Use these insights to fine-tune your promotional strategies and enhance future releases.

10. Celebrate and Reflect

Every release is an achievement. Celebrate this milestone and reflect on your journey. Each experience is a stepping stone to further creativity and success.

Embracing these steps will ensure that your song launches smoothly and leaves a memorable mark on your listeners.

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